Over a number of years the Clabough Foundation has supported both the Blue Ridge Rural Land Trust and the High Country Conservancy. After the merger of the two groups in May 2010, a single organization known as the Blue Ridge Conservancy was brought into being. Clabough Foundation provides a Revolving Fund for several of their land protection projects. Clabough allows the Conservancy to borrow resources to cover “transactional costs” for closing a project. These projects are usually Conservation Easements donated by a landowner. Transactional costs can include surveys, Environmental Site Assessments, and Baseline Reports. Many of these costs are eventually reimbursed to the Conservancy but having the ability to borrow funding up-front is a huge benefit in that it allows the Conservancy flexibility in moving projects forward.

Matthew Black Tract, Alleghany County, NC
The Matthew Black Tract is approximately 50 acres of working forest, located in Alleghany County, North Carolina on the New River. The Black family has a history of land protection in Alleghany County and Matthew’s tract is the latest of several. This donated conservation will be recorded prior to the end of 2010 and will permanently protect this beautiful tract on the New River for the enjoyment of all generations that follow.

Oliver Hill Conservation Easement (97 acres), Matney, Watauga County, NC
This donated conservation easement encompasses 97 acres in Matney off of Oliver Hill Road. It is within the viewshed of Scenic Byway 194 (Mission Crossing). The property includes a highly visible knoll and a portion of an unnamed tributary to Craborchard Creek. The easement allows for agricultural use of the open fields and restricts future residential development. The Helen M. Clabough Charitable Foundation assisted with the use of their Revolving Loan Fund.

Avery Property (68 acres) Ashe County, NC
This tract of land is the newest addition to Elk Knob State Park, which now boasts almost 2,400 acres. Located within the Amphibolite Mountains, this area is known for its unique plant communities due to the rich soil and upper elevations and also protects many streams that are the headwaters for the New River. The land was purchased using grants from the N.C. Natural Heritage Trust Fund, the N.C. Park and Recreation Trust Fund, and a private donation

Sloop Family Dam and Powerhouse, Crossnore, NC
Blue Ridge Conservancy partnered with the Crossnore Community Enhancement, Inc. to develop a park plan centered on the historic Sloop Dam and Powerhouse along the Linville River. The proposed park would be dedicated to telling the story of the pioneering Sloop family as told in the book, “Miracle in the Hills” by Mary Martin Sloop and Legette Blythe. The park idea has not materialized but the motivation and dedication of BRC and the Crossnore Community is still alive.