The Upstream Project
An amazing day along Tumalo Creek! Highland Elementary students came out in full force…
We kicked off a ten-week river study project with Highland Elementary School today. A whole school project!! As part of their Deschutes Riverkeepers storyline, Highland students are exploring the Deschutes River and Tumalo Creek with the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council. Thanks to funding from the Clabough Foundation and REI, we will be coordinating 15 more field days to help all of the students learn about, connect to, and help care for our home streams.
For our first day in the field, we decided to go big today– really big. Over 300 students helped us restore hundreds of ponderosa pine trees to the Tumalo Creek watershed. To guide the students to understand the value of the trees in relation to the health of the creek, we led them on an adventurous scavenger hunt to explore and discover all of the wonders along the streambanks.
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